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Current Funding

Title: Reducing suicide risk among older adult caregivers: Adapting, implementing, and evaluating dialectical behavior therapy skills training interventions

Sponsor: National Institute of Aging-R15

Role: MPI (MPI: Dr. Sean Mitchell)



Title: Curcumin and Retinal Amyloid-beta Pilot Study.

Sponsor: Sabinsa Corporation

Role: Co-I (PI: Dr. Leslie Shen)



Title: Examining Changes in Biopsychosocial Factors Following Treatment and Reduction of Pre-death Grief in Family Caregivers of Dementia Patients.

Sponsor: Garrison Family Foundation

Role: MPI (MPI: Dr. Volker Neugebauer)



Title: Utilizing telehealth to reduce mental health symptoms in family caregivers of persons with AD/ADRD in rural Texas.

Sponsor: Center of Excellence for Translational Neuroscience and Therapeutics

Role: PI



Title: Reducing Prolonged Grief Disorder in Adolescents and Young Adults who Lost Someone During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Sponsor: American Rescue Plan Act Grant

Role: MPI (MPI: Dr. Caroline Cummings)



Title: Individual Mental Health Treatment and Respite for Hispanic Informal Caregivers of Individuals with Dementia.

Sponsor: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion-TTUHSC

Role: MPI (MPI: Dr. Volker Neugebauer)







Title: Behavioral and Psychosocial Effects on Study Outcomes in End-Stage Cancer Treatment (BEST End-Stage Cancer Study).

Sponsor: National Cancer Institute NIH-R35 Subcontract

Role: Co-I, site PI



Title: Investigating Death with Dignity in patients and their caregivers before and after the death.

Sponsor: Department of Health Washington

Role: MPI (MPI: Dr. Elizabeth Loggers)



Title: Improving Pre-Death Grief in Informal Caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients.

Sponsor: Garrison Foundation

Role: MPI (MPI: Dr. Volker Neugebauer)



Title: Anderson Innovation Pilot Award

Sponsor: University of Washington, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. 

Role: MPI (MPI: Dr. Elizabeth Loggers)



Title: Texas Tech University Neuroimaging Institute Seed Fund

Sponsor: Texas Tech University

Role: PI


Past Grants

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