Published Work
**indicates trainee author
++indicates JS was quantitative collaborator
Singer, J., Rerick, P., Elliott, L**., Fadalla, C**., McLean, E**., Jump, A**., Molinar-Lopez, V., Neugebauer. (2024). Investigating the Relationship Between Marital Status and Ethnicity on Neurocognitive Functioning in a Rural Older Population: A Project Frontier Study. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences Series B. 79.
Prigerson, H. G., Singer, J., & Killikelly, C. (2024). Prolonged Grief Disorder: Misconceptions about Misconceptions. A Reply to Thieleman et al.. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
Prigerson, H. G., Singer, J., & Killikelly, C. (2024). Prolonged Grief Disorder: Misconceptions about Misconceptions. A Reply to Eisma. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 32(5), 634.
Prigerson, H.G., Singer., J., Killikelly, C. (2024). Prolonged Grief Disorder: Addressing Misconceptions with Evidence. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
Livingston, T. N., Cummings, C., & Singer, J. (2024). Social power may be associated with health through positive emotion. The Journal of General Psychology. 151.314-334.
Collins, A., Stroever, S., Baronia, R., Michaela, J., Awal, A., Singer J, Amor, W., Ibrahim, Y. (2024) The Effects of Positive Psychological Factors on the Mental Wellbeing of Medical Students. Cureus. 16, e60702. 10.7759/cureus.60702
Singer, J., Cummings, C., Coccaro, E. (2024). Parental Separation and Death During Childhood as Predictors of Adult Psychopathology: An Examination of Racial Differences. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. 16, 184-192.
Abu-Samaha, A**., McLean, E**., Weller, D**., Kelley, J**., Schmidt, A.T., Singer, J. (2024). Comparing Public Perceptions of Child and Adult Grief Responses to Familial Incarceration. OMEGA Journal of Death and Dying.
Zammit, T., Mancini, V.O., Reid, C., Singer, J., Staniland, L., Breen, L.J. (2024). Prolonged grief disorder, but not death from COVID-19, elicits public stigma: A vignette-based experiment. OMEGA Journal of Death and Dying.
Zammit, T., Mancini, V.O., Reid, C., Singer, J., Staniland, L., Breen, L.J. (2024) Prolonged grief stigma in the COVID-19 pandemic: A vignette based experiment. Death Studies. 48, 118-128.
Schneider, S**., Livingston, T.N., Elliott, L**., Chrzanowski, L**., Abu-Samaha, A**., Singer, J. (2024). Feelings of Power Scale for Family Caregivers: Development, Exploratory, and Confirmative Analysis. Clinical Gerontologist.
Singer, J., Goveas, J.S., Elliott, L., Parmar, H., O’Connor, M.F. (2024) Personalized fMRI Tasks for Grief Severity in Bereaved Individuals: Emotional Counting Stroop and Grief Elicitation Protocols. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging.
Prigerson, H.G., Singer., J., Killikelly, C. (2023). Prolonged Grief Disorder: Addressing Misconceptions with Evidence. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Online First.
McLean, E**., Livingston, T. N., Mitchell, S. M., & Singer, J. (2023). Perceptions of crime severity and stigma toward family members grieving the loss of a person to incarceration. Psychology, Crime & Law. 47, 1167-1179
McLean, E**., Livingston, T.N., Mitchell, S., Singer, J. (2023). Public Perceptions of Grief Reactions in Family Members of Incarcerated Individuals: A Vignette-Based Experiment. Death Studies.
Singer, J., Breen, L.J., Loggers, E.T. (2023). Examining public stigma and expectations of grief following medical aid and dying in the US: A vignette-based experiment. Palliative and Supportive Care 21, 270276.
Singer, J., Carpenter, K.M. (2023). Mapping Risk and Protective Factors to Trajectories of Cancer-Specific Stress in Gynecological and Breast Cancer Patients: A Latent Growth Mixture Model Analysis. Journal of Behavior Medicine.
Faysel, M. A., Miller, T., Singer, J., & Cummings, C. (2023). The Effect of Physicians' Acknowledgement of Clinical Decision Support Systems Generated Alerts on Patient Diabetes Management in a Primary Care Setting. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 302, 511-515.
Singer, J., Rerick, P., Elliott, L.**, Fadalla, C.**, McLean, E.**, Jump, A.**, Molinar-Lopez, V., & Neugebauer, V. (2023). Investigating the Relationship Between Marital Status and Ethnicity on Neurocognitive Functioning in a Rural Older Population: A Project Frontier Study. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, gbad126. Advance online publication.
Schneider, S**., Rerick, P.O., Cummings, C., McLean, E**., Breen, L., Singer, J. (2023). Relationship Between Pandemic Grief Risk Factors and Prolonged Grief Disorder in Bereaved Sample During COVID-19. Palliative and Supportive Care.
Zammit, T., Mancini, V.O., Reid, C., Singer, J., Staniland, L., Breen, L.J. (2023). Prolonged grief stigma in the COVID-19 pandemic: A vignette based experiment. Death Studies.
Singer, J., Daum, C**., Evans, A.E**., Schneider, S**., Vugrin, M., Loggers, E.T. (2023). An Examination and Proposed Theoretical Model of Risk and Protective Factors for Bereavement Outcomes for Family Members of Individuals who Engaged in Medical Aid in Dying: A Systematic Review. Palliative Medicine.
Livingston, T. N., Cummings, C., & Singer, J. (2023). Social power may be associated with health through positive emotion. The Journal of general psychology, 1–21. Advance online publication.
Ramaswamy, S., Gilles, N., Gruessner, A.C., Buton, D., Fraser, M.A., Weingast, S., Kunnakkat, S., affable, A., Kaufman, D., Singer, J., Balucani, C., Levine, S. (2023) User-Centered Mobile Applications for Stroke Survivors (MAPPS): A Mixed-Methods Study of Patient Preferences. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Online First.
Singer, J., Roberts, K., McLean, E**., Wilson, M**., Rogers, M., Coats, T**., Fadalla, C**., Goodwin, K., Lichtenthal. W., Prigerson., H. (2022). An Examination of Grief Prior to Loss in Family Members of Terminally Ill Patients: A Systematic Review. Palliative Medicine. 36.
Singer, J., Shrout, MR., Papa., A. (2022). Rates and Prospective Psychosocial Correlated of Pre-Loss Grief in Cancer and Dementia Family Members. Journal of Health Psychology. 27, 1547-1555. doi:10.1177/1359105321995945.
Singer, J., Daum, C., Shen, M., Zecha, G., Kaplan, L., Plakovic, K., Blazey, M., Arnold, M., Silko, B., Baker, K., Loggers, E.L. (2022). Oncology Advanced Practice Providers’ Willingness to Participate in Medical Aid in Dying. JAMA Open Network.
McLean, E**., Singer, J., Laurita, E**., Kahler, J., Levin, C., & Papa, A. (2022). Perception of grief responses: Are maladaptive grief responses and the stages of grief considered normal? Death Studies, 46, 1414-1423.
Singer, J., Breen, L., Loggers, E. L. (2022). Examining Viewpoints of Medical Aid in Dying in the United States: A Vignette Based Study. Palliative and Supportive Care. Online First.
Livingston, T. N., Vik, T. A., & Singer, J. (2022). Relationships between power, communication about work and sex, and emotion expressions: A Linguist Inquiry and Word Count analysis. Psychological Reports.
Singer, J., Cummings, C., Coccaro, E. (2022). Parental Separation and Death During Childhood as Predictors of Adult Psychopathology: An Examination of Racial Differences. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. Online First.
Singer, J., McLean, E**., Kahler, J., Papa, T. (2021). An evaluation of risk and protective factors for Prolonged Grief Disorder using the ICD-11 criteria. Aging and Mental Health. doi:10.1016/j.archger.2021.104353
McLean, E**., Singer, J., Laurita, E**., Kahler, J., & Papa, A. (2021). Perception of grief symptomatology: Are pathological grief symptoms and the stages of grief considered normal? Death Studies.
Singer, J., & Papa, T. (2021). Preparedness for the death of an elderly family member: A possible protective factor for Pre-Loss Grief in informal caregivers. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2021.104353.
Singer, J., Spiegel, J., Papa, A. (2020). Pre-Loss Grief in family members of COVID-19 patients: Recommendations for clinicians and researchers. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. doi:10.1037/tra0000876
Benuto, L.T., Singer, J++., Gonzalez, F., Casas, J., & Ruork, A. (2020). How do clinicians define cultural sensitivity?: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Mental Health. doi:10.1080/00207411.2020.1830611
Benuto, L., Newlands, R., Singer, J++., & Casas, J. & Cummings, C. (2020). Culturally sensitive clinical practices—A mixed methods study. Psychological Services. doi:10.1037/ser0000493
Singer, J., Cummings, C., Gustafson, D., Egelko, A., Mlabasti, J., Conigliaro, A., & Levine, SR. (2019). Independent ischemic stroke risk factors in older Americans: A systematic review. Aging, 11, 3392-3407. doi:10.118632/aging.101987
Singer, J., Cummings, C., Moody, SA., & Benuto, L.T. (2019). Purpose in life: A novel factor to possibly reduce burnout, vicarious trauma, and secondary traumatic stress in child and elderly protective workers. Journal of Social Work. doi:10.1177/1468017319853057
Singer, J., & O’Connell, K. (2019). Relationship of cue-induced urinary urges to nocturia in women ages 18-40 years old. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 38, 1378-3-83. doi:10.1003/nau.23996
Benuto, L.T., Singer, J., Gonzalez, F., Newlands, R., & Hooft, S. (2019). Supporting those who provide support: Work-related resources and secondary traumatic stress among victim advocates. Safety and Health at Work, 10, 336-340. doi:10.1016/
Singer, J., Cummings, C., Boekankamp, D**., Hisaka, R**., & Benuto, L.T. (2019). Compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, and burnout: A replication study with victim advocates. Journal of Social Service Research, 4, 1-7. doi:10.1080/01488376.2018.1561595
Cummings, C., Singer, J., Moody, S., & Benuto, L.T. (2019). Coping and work-related stress reactions in protective services workers. British Journal of Social Work, 6, 1-19. doi10.1093/bjsw/bcz082
Faysel, M., Singer, J., Cummings, C., Stefanov, D., & Levine, SR. (2019). Disparities in the use of intravenous t-PA among ischemic stroke patients: A population-based recent temporal trends. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 28, 243-1251. doi:10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2019.01.013
Benuto, L.T., Newlands, R., Singer, J++., Casas, J., & Cummings, C. (2019). Culturally sensitive clinical practices: A mixed methods study. Psychological Services, 7, 35-35. doi:10.7309/jmtm.7.2.5
Singer, J., Weingast, S., Stefanov, D., Gilles, N., Faysel, M., Girouard, S., Conigliaro, A., Fraser-White, M., Jensen, M., Burton, E., & Levine, SR. (2018). Developing a mobile application for stroke caregivers: A pilot national survey. International Journal of Medical Informatics.
Cummings., Singer, J., Hisaka, R., & Benuto, L.T. (2018). The importance of compassion satisfaction in combating burnout, vicarious trauma and secondary traumatic stress in workplace: An analysis of victim advocates. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 6, 1-19. doi:10.1177/1468017319853057
Benuto, L.T., Singer, J., Cummings, C., & Ahrendt, A. (2018). The vicarious trauma scale: psychometric properties with a sample of victim advocates. Health Soc Care Community, 26, 564-571. doi:10.111/hsc.12554
Hazlett-Stevens, H., Singer, J., & Chong, A. (2018). Mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy with older adults: A qualitative review of controlled outcome research. Clinical Gerontologist, 42, 347-358. doi:10.1080/07317115.2018.1518282
O’Connell , K., Singer, J., & Sonali, R. (2018). Stimulus-associated urinary urges in women aged 18-40 with and without overactive bladder syndrome. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37, 284-290. doi:10.1003/nau.23292
Benuto, L.T., Singer, J++., Casas, J., Gonzalez, F., & Ruork, A. (2018). The evolving definition of cultural competency: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 18, 371-384.
Benuto, L.T., Singer, J++., Newlands, R., & Casas, J. (2018). Training culturally competent psychologists-where are we and where do we need to go? Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 12, 56-63.
2017 & Earlier
Singer, J., Conigliaro, A., Spina, E., Law, S., & Levine, SR. (2017). Central post stroke pain: A systematic review. International Journal of Stroke, 12, 343-355. doi:10.1177/1747493017701149
Singer, J., & Levine, SR. (2016). Central post-stroke pain: Theories, diagnosis and treatment. Future Neurology. 11, 5-8.
Denys, M., Cherian, J., O’Connell, K., Singer, J., Wein, A., Dhondt, K., & Everaert, K. (2016). ICI-RS 2015- Is a better understanding of sleep the key in managing nocturia? Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37, 2048-2052. doi:10.1003/nau.23032
Singer, J., & Levine, SR. (2016). Stroke and technology: Prescribing mHealth apps for healthcare providers, patients and caregivers. Future Neurology, 11, 109-112.
Singer, J., & O’Connell, K. (2015). An exploratory analysis of the role of cue-induced urinary urges in nocturia. Clinical Gerontologist, 39, 240-251. doi:10.1080/07115.2015.1120252
Halket, D**., Singer, J., Balucani, C., & Levine, SR. (2017). Mobile Application for stroke prevention: A survey of physicians’ perspectives. Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine, 6, 7-13. doi:10.7309/jmtm.6.3.3